VersionSystem Requirements
JavaScript, this e-book uses it
How to use this book
Site Licence
Contact Seaside Computing
This Readme file pertains to Refrigeration Basics version 2. RB2 is not optimized for tablets and should only be considered for PC or Mac use.System Requirements
- CD-ROM Drive or digital download
- Mouse
- Refrigeration Basics can be used offline in any Internet Browser (JavaScript enabled)
- Tested in Microsoft Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera
- Tested in all versions of Microsoft Windows
- Tested in Macintosh with Safari and Firefox
JavaScript, this e-book uses it
To take full advantage of this e-book you must have scripting turned on in your browser. Without it you will not be able to use the temperature converter, the Causes-Effects trainer, the electrical troubleshooting sections nor submit exam answers for automatic marking. There are many sections with large and sometimes full screen graphics which also have rows of buttons for user controlled sequential images. The screen shot below demonstrates how a user controlled "slide show", as well as a related scrollable text area have been designed to fit on screen simultaneously. This makes it easier to concentrate on the concepts at hand rather than scroll about looking for separate diagrams and text. The text suggests appropriate moments to click on specific buttons that correlate to the concepts being discussed. Learning is fun with interactive graphics. They make it easy to comprehend new concepts clearly, build a solid foundation and advance quickly.
How to use this e-book
The contents.htm page has button links to each section. The sections are presented in a purposeful order where subsequent material is usually based on material presented in the previous sections. If you do not go through the book in the order presented you may find it difficult to comprehend. Most sections have a link to "Review Questions" for that section. Those questions are hyperlinked to the exact spot in the book where the topic is discussed. Try to answer the questions and then click the link to see if you knew the answer. At the end of the book is a 100 question multiple choice exam. The exam is an opportunity for you to test yourself on how much of the material you have grasped from this book. A JavaScript routine automatically checks your answers and displays your mark in percentage. You might find it amusing taking the test before and after your first use of this interactive e-book to see how your mark changes.Site Licence
Site licences require purchase of Refrigeration Basics III. Without a site licence use is restricted to a single work station. Commercial use over a LAN or for groups of people by use of large screen monitors, TV's or a computer projector requires a site licence. Site licences are available at: www.refrigerationbasics.comContact Seaside